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A brief explanation of how to make Mangas with ComicStudio & Power Tone

If you'd like to know how to make a story, please refer to books on scenario writing.

(ComicStudio EX 2.0 & PowerTone 2 R3 for Windows)

Rough drawing
There are two ways to make a rough drawing layer:
(1) Draw a rough on a piece of paper, then scann it into the rough layer of ComicStudio.
(2) Draw a rough directly on the rough layer of ComicStudio by a tablet.

I usually draw a rough on a piece of paper and then scan it into the rough layer of Comic Studio (See the left image).

I work with images in 600 dpi resolution for better quality of printing.
In this process, as with other drawing software, users may make many layers for convenience.

To draw the example image, I made several layers: 3 layers for two people, 1 layer for brush painting (hair and clothes), 1 layer for frame lines (Koma), 1 layer for balloons, 5 layers for text (11 layers in total).

ComicStudio has several types of pens and brush. Users can freely set their parameters (thin line or thick line, soft or hard, etc.)

When you finish this process, the rough layer can be deleted (or made invisible, as you like).

PowerTone plug-in (screen tones) is used in this process to improve the image.

ComicStudio itself has many screen tones. And users can also make their won screen tone.

Thanks to dedicated Manga artists, there are many website that you can freely download tone data in general purpose formats (*.tiff, *.jpg) as well as PowerTone data format (*.tdt).

Here, I used 7 screen tones (one layer for each screen tone).

Now the image is ready for printing or modifying by other CG software.
ComicStudio's image data can be converted into*.bmp, *.jpg, and *.psd (with rasterized layers).

ComicStudio has other useful features: 2DLT & 3DLT for easier construction of background images.

ComicStudio and PowerTone are trade marks of CELSYS Co., Ltd.